Our First Past Master’s Corner Article
By Donald Pollock, P.M.
So many have asked me, “what has become of our proud Lodge? The feeling is just not the same.” So many used to come to Degrees, Stated Meetings, Funerals, and Events, consistently. When I first joined the line in 1983, I was told it was mandatory for Lodge Officers to attend all the above. Maybe this example and leadership inspired other members to come more often, who knows? But it was the Home Lodge Way.
When a Brother or his family were ill or had a problem or God forbid worse, there were meaningful calls to help from caring Brothers and Officers alike. Cards were sent by the Officers on behalf of the Lodge. Each of the individual officers signed every card. It demonstrated that the Lodge and Officers genuinely cared, Love and help was always there. Again, this was the Home Lodge way. At our meetings, our picnics, Home Town Parties, ice cream socials, mystery trips, etc. you could feel the warmth, love and caring. That was who we were and I pray still are.
I am concerned because I have been asked by several Brothers io go with them to visit other neighboring lodges.
Since, my auto accident last June and even before, I too have been guilty of not being able to attend Stated Meetings, Dinners or Degrees. It appears that I simply, for the most part, cannot attend evening events.
I am as guilty as anyone. Worshipful Peter was kind enough to set up this “Past Master’s Corner” so at least I could contribute in this manner.
If you have not read the March 2022 Bulletin and even if you have, please re-read it. The articles are all right on target. Public Schools and Brother Gary Levitt’s memorial, by Worshipful Artin and Brother Moses were perfect. Gary was an amazing human being. Worshipful Peter and Worshipful Michael David’s articles hit the nail on the head as well. Well done Brothers. The Lodge is in good caring hands.
When we ask about Our Lodge, we also need to look within. Have we, each of us, done whatever we can, however we can? For example phone calls need to be made to Brothers regarding upcoming events, we need to be there and share the Home Lodge Way. We, each of us Officers and Brothers alike, need to reenergize our Lodge.
Now is the time for us to come forth, so we can again feel the love and belonging that to some has apparently dissipated.
Please Brothers, whenever possible, don’t just support this Lodge, rejoin it and become part of its recovery and not contributive to its demise.
Come “HOME” and enjoy the brotherhood we share.