Dodger Game on Bucket List
Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth still prevail at Home Lodge # 721, big time.Let me tell you a true story of a recent occurrence right here in our Lodge.We have an elderly Brother (just 87 years old} who had on his “Bucket” list a final trip to a game at Dodger Stadium. He is obviously a huge Dodger fan.However, reality, his doctors, family and his body, especially since a near fatal auto accident last June suggested that the fulfillment of that dream was very doubtful. Although to say the least, this Brother has been very active and very rarely missed a meeting or Degree over close to forty years, now he cannot even attend Lodge. He simply cannot attend any evening meetings. So indeed his “Dodger Dream” was very unlikely.Lo and behold he received a telephone call from another Brother at Home Lodge, also a huge Dodger fan with season tickets in the VIP section , padded seats, service, etc. inviting him to be his guest for an upcoming game. By the way, he is also a current officer of the Home Lodge Line. The amazed elderly Brother thanked him, but had to decline his invitation, knowing he could not go out for an evening game. So what do you think this Brother did? He said hold on, I’ll call you back.
He called back and reported that he traded his season tickets for seats in the handicapped section. (no stairs to deal with) for a Sunday afternoon game, He said he really wanted to take him to the game. He even provided an electric scooter, with a Dodger logo naturally and said to the elderly Brother not to worry, he had all the bases covered.
That Sunday he, together with his nine year old son, Alexander and the Master of our Lodge, picked up the elderly Brother. To quote Vin Scully, “It was time for Dodger Baseball”.That outing was absolutely amazing, beyond the wildest of dreams.If you haven’t figured this out yet, I was the “elderly Brother” Brother Mike Egbert, our Lodge Chaplain was my host, together with his son, who already wants to be a Mason and Worshipful Peter Vogelsang.Brethren, I cannot say too much about how well, they, all of them took care of me, In so many ways. I saw that they really care and that same caring extends to our Lodge, its present and its future.They deserve our appreciation, our help and participation, as best we can. Let Worshipful Peter and our officers know what you want from our Lodge and Masonry and help them make it happen.
Miracles don’t just happen. Action, our action is a must. Always remember that our Lodge, then on Lankershim Blvd.,, was a dream come true. It was built by Brethren who planned, funded and physically built the Lodge, brick by brick all this was done by the founders of Home Lodge. It is our heritage and I called “The Home Lodge Way.