Masonic Home From Home
W Bro Korosh Namini
This past May I visited two lodges in London: The Lodge of Harmony and Highgate Lodge No. 1355. I was invited my Wor. Kurosh Namini who is the sitting Master of The Lodge of Harmony and a member of Highgate Lodge. W. Bro. Johnny Lewis, who is the current secretary of The Lodge of Harmony, wrote a very nice article about W. Bro. Kasey’s visit. Many thanks to W. Bro. Johnny and also W. Bro. Sam Baqui (who is also a member of both lodges and secretary of Highgate) for their work in coordinating our visits. I think we’ve made good memories to last a lifetime!
Wor. Michael David
A short while ago, we published an article where Lodge of Harmony, No. 255 welcomed W Bro Michael David, a visitor from Home Lodge 721 in the Grand Lodge of California, in the United States of America – Lodge of Harmony – Back In Tune
Since then, the Worshipful Master, W Bro Korosh Namini, returned to California and gives this brief summary of his visit to Home Lodge 721 in the latter part of June.
“After W Bro Michael David visited my two Lodges (Lodge of Harmony, No. 255 and Highgate Lodge, No. 1366) during the month of May this year when he had the chance to experience English Provincial and Metropolitan masonry for the first time. He wanted to return the favor by inviting me to go and visit his Lodge, which is Home Lodge no. 721 of F & A Masons (Free and Accepted Masons) under the Grand Lodge of California.
I simply jumped at the chance to travel to sunny Los Angeles to enjoy his hospitality. I was received with much fraternal love by all the Brethren of his Lodge. During the meeting, they performed a double Initiation. The quality of the work was very high and the similarities between our ceremonies are many. After the meeting, there was no festive board, but we were treated to a light supper.
Michael truly looked after me throughout my entire stay in San Fernando Valley and I am very grateful to him.
Michael and the members of his Lodge have extended a warm invitation to any brother who wishes to go and visit them. They meet for degree work once a month except in August so there is always an opportunity to see some working.
However, remember that if any brother wishes to go visit Home Lodge in California or any other foreign Lodge, then he must first make contact through the Lodge Secretary, who will follow the necessary protocols. No attempt should be made to contact the Lodge in question directly.”
Ed: Home Lodge 721 has produced an amazing website with a stack of information and photos of the WM and his Officers. Also, there is a very “professional” approach to the message the Lodge wished to make. I particularly loved the Vision Statement, which is shown below, slightly edited. It is addressed to the Brethren and Ladies from the Worshipful Master – W. Bro Peter Vogelsang:
“Dear Brethren and Ladies,
Thank you for electing me as Master of Home Lodge No. 721. Here is the Living Business Plan your officers have adopted:
Vision –
Home Lodge No. 721 is a place where men of good character come together to improve themselves, their families, and their spiritual lives. It is a place where the highest Masonic values are learned by its members and applied in all their doings. As Freemasons, we learn a way of life from our ancient teachings, develop meaningful and fulfilling lifelong relationships, and grow as men. It is also a place where men never hesitate to go out of their way to assist a widow or a brother in need. Home Lodge is a “Home” where our members and their families can increase in spirituality and find like-minded positive thinkers. It is a place on which members of our community can depend for stability, leadership, and knowledge. It is a house of prayer and growth.
Strategy –
To Spread the Masonic light of truth and civility, not only within the Lodge but also throughout our respective communities, In a way that promotes a lifestyle that exhibits a high value for positive interactions, charity for the incapacitated or destitute, and a thirst for continual improvement, So that – our Lodge becomes a source of Light to our community for the purpose of exporting these universal Masonic virtues to help our communities become a better place to live.
Action Plan –
- Promote fraternal relations within the Lodge through social events and programs.
- Recover from the effects of Covid-19 on the Fraternity through officer & membership enrichment and resuming degrees.
- Increase knowledge of the Fraternity in our immediate community through outreach and charity.
The Lodge also produces a bulletin titled “The Master Workman.”
The latest July Edition includes a report from W Bro Michael David about his visit to Lodge of Harmony –
Home Lodge July 2022 Bulletin